Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas to all..
I wanted to thank my set designer, roadie, banker, cashier, fashion model, driver, laborer, sales tech, sounding board, and fashion adviser who consequently is also my loving husband of 9 years Steve. With out him, Villain would have never been born, nor survived as long as she has.
I would also like to thank Joshua, for being Steve's stand in; driver, fashion model (small wrists), and box carrier. It's nice to know we have a back up who cares- even more so its nice to know you will suffer the unbearable hours of helping me choose the right gemstones, because you know its important to both, me and Steve.
I would also like to thank every shopper I have ever had, and will have. Your comments inspire me, your sales are appreciated, but the smile you have when your walking by, and your speed down shifts, or when you pick up a piece and tell me "magnificent" If you purchase or not, that is what tells me I am doing good. Thant I am headed in the correct direction.
I thank you all, and wish you and yours a Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Handborn knows what they are doing.
At 5:45there were shoppers milling about, at 6pm and the flood gates opened. Men women Couples, girlfriends, parents, co-workers, shit I even saw an police officer shopping on duty. (no names to protect the innocent) this show Rocked.
The atmosphere was a bout fun and shopping ant let me tell you that what these ladies did, that's what their husbands, boyfriends,girlfriends and partners did. in the downward dog position of the economy, Handborn stretched my ass out and made me remember this is supposed to be fun.
Thank you Handborn
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Guardian Angel Necklace

As a licensed Funeral Director in the state of California, I help people through one of the most horrific experiences of their lives. The loss of a loved one. Through laymen terms and casual conversation people tend to use the term "Closure" when they refer to coming to terms with their loss. I say to have "closure" in dealing with loss is like closing the door on them for eternity.
I personally prefer the term "Acceptance", because in my eyes you over time come to accept that your friend, husband, mother is not coming home. That they are not going to be there when you call, or need to talk in a traditional sense. Which is not an easy reality to come to terms with. That being said I have created "Hadija", a winged representation of our loved ones who have passed over. Who in my eyes are there to protect and guide us as we carry on. I name this piece in memory of my best friend Hadija Lorraine Royer.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
This lil' beauty, A sterling silver necklace with a personalized pendant is one I made a for a great friend of mine.
Words for Thought
nothing is worth more than today
love is the dawn of marriage. marriage is the sunset of love
sisters by chance friends by choice
the best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it
dwell in the possibility
love is the beauty of the soul
she believed she could so she did
well behaved women rarely make history
baby on board
* apple of my eye
trust in him
* basket case
the best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it
running with *scissors
* charms are special orders & may extend delivery date
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Whole sale world
Their site is currently being updated for the Fall/Winter Collections.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
About Me

Brandi Collins, is a licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer in the state of California.Towards the ending of her apprenticeship that the birth of Villain Accessories jewelry came to fruition.
“I needed an outlet. To experience the loss of a loved one is profound. But to experience the loss of countless loved ones; because ultimately each family you serve becomes your family, is outright exhausting."
When asked about the clever tag line "Because being beautiful makes you the bad guy" she has found that her clientele's responds to it quite well. Usually I get a giggle. Because as little girls, young ladies, and grown women, we all know it to be true."
Inspired by love and loss, Brandi has been able to incorporate her vision and create a fantastic collection of vibrant, eclectic, as much as it is stunning line of Jewelry.