We all know what todays date is. It may not be on the front burner; in fact, for many of us we try very hard to not even have it on the stove at all. But it is unavoidable. It’s like the countdown to public failure if you are single. Every place you go, every store you visit, it's nothing but red and pink hearts and candy. For everyone in a relationship that celebrates the day, it's about acknowledging the love you have for your partner and spending some well-deserved time together and living like royalty for an evening−or if you’re really lucky, a weekend.
Well I'm all for it; kinda. I mean yes it is great you have someone and yes we should be grateful for all he or she does for and means to us, but what about the rest of the year (minus birthdays, anniversaries and Christmas/Chanukah)? What about us? When do we really celebrate the love we have for ourselves? When is the last time you showed yourself appreciation for all the hard work you do, the tireless nights you put in, the sick children you care for, the midterms you cram for, the business you run?
An hour at yoga? Ten minutes reading before sleep takes you? A grande espresso on your way to work? These are great rewards here and there, but in the grand scheme of things they are not much. Wouldn't it be nice to take the time to love yourself? To say, Hey self, you've busted your butt all week/month/semester, how about some you time? Why don't I take myself out to dinner, take a walk around the pond, or buy that bracelet I've been eyeing because I deserve it?
Everyone should take this Valentine’s Day and make it their own. Say to yourself, I'm single and it's okay, because I love myself. Even if you have a partner or a spouse, say, For Valentine’s Day, I'd like to plan something for myself because it's hard to love others when you forget to love yourself.
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